Interlinear Panel
the interlinear panel
Interlinear actions Left-click on any word in the interlinear will show the following:
By clicking again on any word the word will be copied to the Search Query form where you can start searching.
The number 2
means there are two renderings in
total for this Greek word.
Selecting an item in this sublist window works the same as its parent window (Fig. 8) with one exception: in Search mode it searches for the selected word in combination with its Greek word and shows it directly in the Search Results window without passing through the Search Query form. If you want to lookup the strong's number in the Lexicon press LEX.
Choosing and adding translations (only if installed). If you left click on the light blue translation abbreviation it shows the
translation selection menu. After left click you it shows:
Interlinear panel buttons
Because the height of the interlinear window moves along with the interlinear lines count automatically, you have to choose how you want to show the interlinear. With the translation placed on top you can choose between 1 to 4 interlinear lines and if you choose "Full interlinear+ Translation in left/right margin" you can drag the height of the interlinear window to any height you want.
In the images below you can see
were you can begin to drag for resizing the translation column. Somewere between
the interlinear and the translation column. While moving the mouse cursor to this horizontal
place, the mouse cursor changes to a horizontal split cursor like: