Choose searching Translations or Interlinear (see search query window tabs). Searching the Translations More than one search word have to be separated by a space. Wildcards
# - replaces any character 'CaseSens.' When checked ISA searches are Case sensitive.
After pressing the "Search" button the program will search through the choosen translation and shows the found verses in the 'srch list' panel. The search result panel can also be openened where it shows the found words lined out vertically.
Searching the Interlinear is much more extensive.
First of all, in a wordcell there can be more than one word. Combine a search query with for example the parsing line to filter only the 'pl' (plural) words like in the example below. For more information about the available (sub)linears - also for the parsings - see Text Info. Press Search button to view the results of the search query. Search
Results / List ![]() ![]() To see the found words right under each other you can open (if it is not already open) the 'search results' panel by dragging the top of the title bar upwards or clicking the first one of the three icons on the right of the 'search results' title bar. To show the verse you see in the search results in the interlienar panel Left click on left gray margin. Translation lines can be added or removed with the '+' and '-' buttons and other translations can be selected by clicking the translation abbreviation (here shown as 'CLV' at top-left of first interlinear line) to popup a list of available translations.
Searching more words with the interlinear. You can fill each interlinear-word-field with multiple search words. An "AND" function will be applied on each word in the field (a word-field belongs to one word of the main text). In one word-field : CGTS : we have It finds all cell occurrences in which all of the search query words match, whatever the order. When you place these words between backslash+quote \" it finds phrases like 'we have' and it does not find 'we-more-have' Using more word-fields when searching for more Greek words together. Remember also to set the order:
Press Search to view search results of the search query. It shows something like this: ![]() ![]()