Concordant Greek Text Sublinear

version 1.5
© 2009 Concordant Publishing Concern
adapted for Scriveners Textus Receptus 1894 - Scripture4all Foundation

The CGTS is characterized by its uniformity, its exactitude and its vivid reflection of the Greek, and aims to be as nearly Greek as can be understood by an English reader.
With very few exceptions (such as 'after' for WITH and 'make' for DO) the CGTS is uniform in its renderings, that is, wherever a given Greek word occurs, the same English word is beneath it at all times. Where the Greek is alike, the English is likewise.

On the other hand, the CGTS also registers almost all the differences in the Greek. For instance, there are two negatives, but they are never confused. is always NOT, is always NO.

CAPITALS, common type and italics are used in the CGTS. The CAPITALS carry the reader as close to the elements, which compose the Greek language, as possible. Common type is used for words when the STANDARD would not be intelligible. For example, , COOL, is rendered 'soul'. The common type is also used for parts of words where no true English standard can be found.

As English has no form for the Middle voice, which makes the subject the object of an action, this form is expressed in the passive with italic letters.

Matthew 4:4


As the participle has no number in English, this is indicated by adding one for the singular and ones for the plural. Thus we have in Revelation 1:3 'one-readING' , in which the one- denotes the singular and the -ING the participle of the verb 'read'.

Revelation 1:3


As English has no form for the indefinite (aorist) participle, it is distinguished by putting the 'ing' in italics.

John 1:22

More info:
CGTS corrections (June 2009)